Fishing is a popular pastime for many people. Something about being out on the water, surrounded by nature, is relaxing and enjoyable.
The best fishing YouTube channels can help you learn about the sport, find new techniques, and see fantastic catches.
They include:
This article discusses these best fishing YouTube channels.
Exploring these channels can significantly enhance your fishing knowledge and skills, providing diverse content that caters to various angling interests.
Tom Boley is a channel all about freshwater fishing. Tom shares tips for catching bass, catfish, and fish in lakes and rivers. He does occasional saltwater fishing videos. His videos are well-produced and informative. He has a great sense of humor, making his videos enjoyable.
This channel is run by a saltwater fishing guide who goes by the name “Captain Legend.” He posts videos on boats and expenditures on this YouTube channel. He excels at reviewing fishermen’s boats, an essential tool for people who want to venture into the sport.
Deecappie is a professional angler with over 30 years of experience fishing freshwater lakes and rivers. He covers everything one needs to know about catching slabs. His videos are humorous and have excellent production value.
This YouTube channel covers several species but specializes in crappie and lake trout. It is owned by Aaron, a Canadian angler who enjoys spending time on the water. He produces high-quality videos that are enjoyable to watch with tips that work.
This is a channel for those who love to eat fish. Rob loves to catch, clean, and cook fish, which he explains step by step in his channel. They will make you hungry. Rob loves experimenting with different recipes and is not afraid to try new things.
This channel is about fishing for fluke, a type of saltwater fish. Gene Jensen is the owner. He posts videos of him catching fluke, and suggestions and methods for those who want to see them themselves. Most of his videos are about freshwater fish, but he has also done other fishing types.
Jon B, a professional angler, started and owned this channel. He has over 1.2 million subscribers and posts videos of him fishing in various locations worldwide. He is an entertaining person to watch, and he knows a lot about fishing. He is the ultimate YouTube fishing master who has been in business for 12 years.
The variety in this video sets it apart from other fishing channels, as it covers freshwater, saltwater, and fly-fishing in his videos. He posts two weekly videos consistently, so he has over 700 videos on YouTube with almost 500,000 subscribers. This fisherman knows his stuff and provides valuable information for those who want to understand more about the sport of fishing.
This channel is all about big fish. Robert Terklan posts videos of him catching big fish and species he had never heard of. His videos are excellent in detail, and he knows his craft as a fisherman.
There are many bass fishing channels, but bass resources take the cake in this category. Glen May posts videos of him showing his techniques, tips, and tactics to become a better bass fisherman. Bass resource is an excellent tool for fishing and water bodies entertainment.
Ice Fishing is a type of fishing done in the winter when lakes are frozen. It requires special equipment and skills. Jay Siemens posts videos of him ice fishing around Canada. His videos engagingly teach viewers new information. He carefully shows everything one needs to know about ice fishing before trying it themselves. He has 103 thousand subscribers, and the engagement is high on his videos.
This is one of the most popular fishing channels on YouTube, with over four million subscribers. It is run by a fisherman named Josh Jorgensen. He has over 600 videos which are all well-produced and enlightening. He covers everything about saltwater fishing and interacts with his subscribers regularly.
NDYakAngler is for people who enjoy kayak fishing. He catches pikes and other freshwater fish. People love his videos, especially when he catches a monster pike. His videos are trending on YouTube and have over 700,000 views.
Stephen Russel and his wife Katie own this channel. They have a fishermen’s team who posts fishing videos in various locations. The editing of these videos is well done and will help you understand what they are doing.
There are many great fishing channels on YouTube, but these are some of the best. Taking videos while fishing is a great way to engage with the viewers and promote your brand. It is tough to film the videos and fish at the same time but these channels love doing it for their audience. These fishing channels will help you with your fishing game.