How to Delete Videos on YouTube

Last Updated: 

February 26, 2025

Have you ever uploaded a video to your YouTube studio only to wish that you could get rid of it? Whether the content is embarrassing or has some other personal reason. Sometimes YouTube creators just want to delete a few YouTube videos. There are many reasons why this may be necessary, but luckily for you deleting your video isn’t difficult at all.

Key Takeaways: How to Delete Videos on YouTube

  1. Access YouTube Studio – Navigate to YouTube Studio to manage and remove videos from your channel.
  2. Deleting a Video – Locate the video in your uploads, click the three-dot menu, and select “Delete forever.”
  3. Permanent Removal – Once deleted, the video cannot be recovered, so double-check before confirming.
  4. Instant Deletion – The video is removed immediately with no waiting period.
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Why Would you Want to Delete YouTube Videos?

There are a few reasons you may want to delete a YouTube video. Maybe the content is embarrassing, and you don’t want others to see it. Or maybe the video was just a mistake, and you never meant for it to be seen by anyone other than your friends or family. Whatever the reason, deleting YouTube videos is easy to do.

How to Get Into the Back End of YouTube

To get into the back end of your YouTube website and delete your video, you first need to go to That’s where you will find a list of all your videos that you have uploaded to YouTube. Every video you have uploaded will be listed there, whether it’s been published or not. This is where you can manage videos you created.

How to Delete a YouTube Video

To delete a video, all you need to do is click on the three dots next to the video that you want to delete and then select “Delete.” A confirmation box will pop up asking if you are sure that you want to delete the video. If you are, click “Yes,” and your video will be deleted from YouTube.

It’s as easy as that! So if you ever need to delete a video for any reason, YouTube makes it simple.

What Happens to your Video After it’s Been Deleted from YouTube?

Once a video has been deleted from YouTube, it is no longer available on the site. It’s as if the video title never existed. If you want to view or re-upload the video, you must find its original source.

It doesn’t matter if you uploaded the video from your phone or computer; once you’ve deleted it from YouTube, it’s gone for good. So be sure to think carefully before deleting any videos, as they may not be able to be recovered.

Can a Video be Brought Back Once You’ve Deleted it on YouTube?

No, it cannot be recovered after you’ve deleted a video from your YouTube channel. Unfortunately, that means that if you tap delete on the wrong video or change your mind about deleting it in the future, there’s no way to get it back.

You need to be very cautious when deleting a video from YouTube, as you cannot undo it once it’s been deleted. So be sure to double and triple-check before clicking the delete forever button!

How Long Does Deleting a Video Take?

Deleting videos on your YouTube channel is instant, so there is no waiting period or anything like that. The moment you select delete forever this will remove the video permanently.


So, if you ever need to delete a video for any reason, YouTube makes it straightforward.

YouTube Super Tip: Deleting videos on your YouTube channel is quick and easy, so there is no waiting period or anything like that. The moment you click “Delete video,” your video will be gone from the site. Be sure to think carefully before deleting any videos, as they may not be recovered.

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