Start a Podcast with These Podcast Topics in 2023

Last Updated: 

February 26, 2025

Podcasts have now become a well-recognized medium for content distribution where you can talk about almost any topic.

Selecting the right podcast topic is highly crucial as it has a direct impact on your channel’s growth, and it also helps you stay motivated to create content. 

Here are the awesome podcast topics that are liked by the listeners and podcasters equally. Whether you are a new podcaster or an experienced one, these topics will help you meet your podcast-related goals.  

Key Takeaways: Best Podcast Topics to Start in 2023

  1. Food Podcasts – Discuss recipes, famous chefs, mindful eating, and restaurant reviews.
  2. Health & Fitness – Cover diet, workouts, yoga, mental wellness, and self-help.
  3. Personal Finance – Share budgeting tips, debt management, and investment strategies.
  4. Technology – Discuss the latest trends, gadgets, and tech innovations.
  5. Comedy & Entertainment – Engage audiences with humorous stories and celebrity interviews.
Want to Close Bigger Deals?

1. Food Podcast

In a food podcast, you can talk about what is trendy in the world of food. You can target a broad audience by talking about food generally, or you can pick a narrower topic as mentioned below to target a more specific audience. Here are a few food podcast ideas:  

  • Share local recipes
  • Introduce famous chefs 
  • Teach table manners 
  • Talk about different restaurants 
  • Cooking tips 
  • Mindful eating 

2. Health and Fitness Podcast

Are you a fitness enthusiast? Then share your experience and knowledge with people who take fitness seriously. Help people become their best selves. You can talk about a wide variety of podcast ideas such as:

  • Diet and nutrition 
  • Workout 
  • Guided meditation and yoga
  • Psychology 
  • Self-help 
  • Aromatherapy 
  • Home remedies 
  • Staying active and energetic 

3. Personal Finance Podcast

Many people struggle to manage their daily expenses. Anyone who is a money nerd can lessen their daily struggle by sharing tips and tricks about personal finance. You can narrow it down to these podcast ideas: 

  • Monthly budgets for single parents 
  • Remodel or renovate a home on a budget 
  • Pay off your mortgage fast 
  • Daily finance tips 

4. Technology Podcast

We live in a technological era where we all are dependent on technology one way or another. If you are a technology geek, then you will certainly enjoy doing technology podcasts. 

  • Talk about the latest technology 
  • Ways of getting the most out of gadgets 
  • Current technology issues and their solutions 
  • Share latest Google trend or news 

5. Product Review Podcast

You can start a product review podcast to share your views about different products that people cannot find elsewhere. Select any product that you have already used, and you like exploring or studying. Here are some topics that you can cover in your podcast episodes.  

  • Phones, laptops, and tabs
  • Movies, documentaries, and TV series  
  • Audio dramas 
  • Books and comics 
  • Top 10 list of products 
  • Appliances we cannot live without 

6. Comedy Podcast

Do you have a good sense of humor and love making people laugh? Then it is time to make the most of your talent. Start a comedy podcast to improve the mood of your audience and spread smiles on their faces. Here are some comedy podcast topic ideas:  

  • Share some funny quotes
  • Short funny stories 
  • Talk about funny incidents from history 
  • What is happening in the comedy industry 
  • Biographies of famous comedy actors 

7. Counseling and Coaching Podcasts

We all need help sometimes. Life is not a bed of roses, and things do not always happen how we want them to be. If you have counseling or coaching experience, you can help people by making their lives easier. 

As a coach, you can share your experiences, struggles, ideas, lessons, and knowledge with thousands of people around the world through podcasts. Here is what you can talk about in your counseling and coaching podcasts. 

  • Tips for meeting career goals 
  • True qualities of a leader 
  • Daily advice 
  • Couple counseling 
  • Marriage therapy 

8. Sports Podcast

Games and sports never get old. They excite people and raise their emotions. If you are into any sport like football, volleyball, cricket, rowing, car racing to name a few, you should take your interest one step further by starting a podcast on it. 

Here are a few example topics that you can discuss in your sports podcast. 

  • Invite athletes and sportsman 
  • Teach sportsmanship 
  • Talk about e-gaming 
  • Discuss current or upcoming matches 

9. Writing Podcast

Are you into reading and writing? Share your tips and knowledge with people through writing podcasts. You can either choose writing as your podcast niche or narrow it down to a specific niche such as:

  • Famous writers of all time
  • The evolution of writing 
  • Writing as a career 
  • Traits of a good writer 
  • Blog writing 
  • Fiction writing 
  • Drama writing 

10. Interview Based Podcasts

Anyone who has a curious mind and can easily come up with interesting questions can be a great candidate for interview podcasts. Generally, people invite famous personalities to their shows and have a question or answer session. You can think outside the box and interview a random listener daily.

Here are some interview podcast topic ideas. 

  • Famous people share their favorite stories
  • Interview the listener 
  • Celebrity interviews like Joe Rogan does on his podcast
  • Question and answer 

11. Pet Podcast

We all love pets, don’t we? If you currently own a pet like a dog, cat, parrot, or any other creature, you likely have an interest in pets and know a lot about them. If that’s so, you would love talking about pets during podcasts. 

You can cover the following areas in your pet podcast. 

  • Pet health and fitness 
  • Breeds of dogs that live the longest 
  • Local breeds of cats and their traits 
  • Tips to be a good pet parent 

12. Global or Local News Podcast

There is always something happening in the world that you can discuss with others. It gives you an opportunity to start a news podcast. You can share authentic information with the world. It can be either local news if you are targeting a specific group of people or global news if your audience is vast. 

Here is what you can discuss in news podcasts. 

  • Global current affairs 
  • Events occurring in your area 
  • Politics and governments 
  • Latest news about a particular field 

13. Science Podcast

Science is an ever-evolving and expanding field. If you like exploring science, discoveries, nature, and the universe, you will probably enjoy talking about it in podcasts, too. You can cover the following areas in your science podcasts. 

  • Latest discoveries  
  • Famous scientists who changed the world 
  • Youngest scientists in the world 
  • Hidden stories behind discoveries 
  • Different theories in science 
  • Astronomy
  • Nature 
  • The living world 

14. How-to Podcast

How-to questions are one of the most frequently asked questions on the internet. You should consider it a great opportunity and start a “how-to” podcast where you talk about different how-to questions and offer the best possible solutions. 

Here are some unique and popular how-to topic ideas.

  • How-to survive in a digital world 
  • How-to be a pro gamer 
  • How-to retire by 30 
  • How-to gain or lose weight fast 
  • How-to focus on your goals 

15. Fashion and Beauty Podcast

Fashion and beauty podcasts are some of the most liked podcasts in the world. They offer knowledge, tips, and tricks from fashion designers, business leaders, and others who belong to the same industry. 

Fashion podcasts have recently gained a lot of attention from people due to the pandemic and lockdown. You should take advantage of this opportunity and launch your fashion podcasts if you are a fashion enthusiast. 

You can talk about these topics in your fashion and beauty podcast.  

  • The best makeup brands and products 
  • Latest fashion trends 
  • Beauty hacks 
  • Fashion industry insights 
  • Tips to always look trendy 
  • Style culture in different countries 

16. Travel Podcast

Start a travel-themed podcast for people who love exploring the world. Now that countries have reduced their travel restrictions due to Covid-19 vaccines, people are looking forward to traveling again. 

You can guide them by sharing your wisdom and experience regarding traveling. 

  • Tips for traveling on a budget
  • Local tourist destinations 
  • Outdoor survival tips 
  • People who have traveled 190 plus  countries in the world 
  • Essential things to take with you while traveling 
  • Top 10 holiday destinations in the world

17. Stupid Story Podcast

Do you have an imaginative mind, or do you like writing stories? Podcasts are a great medium to share your stories with the world. If you cannot create stories on your own, then what are books for? You can read different stories and tell them to your listeners. 

  • Stories for kids under 10 
  • Horror stories that you should not listen to alone 
  • Funny stories that make no sense 
  • Short stories that are funny

18. History Podcast

Are you a history fan? Do you like exploring the past and studying historical events or famous personalities? If you have an interest in history, you can change that interest into podcasts by starting a podcast channel based on history. 

History is a vast subject. You do not have to discuss it in general. You should try to be more specific and pick a narrower topic of your interest. Some examples of history podcast topics are:  

  • Historical personalities who people still remember 
  • Biggest historical mysteries 
  • The most famous historical events 
  • History of America 
  • Evolution of literation 

19. True Crime Podcast

True crime is an interesting podcast theme in which you can discuss current and historical true crimes. You can talk about the investigation procedures, victims, and criminals. You can divide this vast field into the following areas. 

  • Biggest murder mysteries that investigators have failed to solve 
  • Famous solved missing person cases 
  • The history of war crimes 
  • Psychology of criminals
  • Culture of crime in various parts of the world 
  • The science of investigation 
  • Interesting stories about true crime that capture your audiences attention

20. Hobbies and Skills Podcast

Are you a pro in a particular skill? Why keep the knowledge only to yourself when you can share it with the world through podcasts? Start a skill-based podcast and teach people a particular skill using your experience and knowledge. You can also show people the importance of hobbies and share the best hobby ideas. 

Here is how you can divide this podcast topic idea into subtopics. 

  • Value of hobbies
  • Hobby ideas for retirees 
  • Importance of learning multiple skills 
  • Highest paying skills in the world 
  • The most in-demand skills in the world 
  • Best places to learn skills 

21. Art Podcast

More and more podcasts are being produced in the world of art. Artists, historians, gallerists, and curators get a chance to share their views about the current art style, the impact of technology on art, and art as a career. 

If you have an interest in art, you can start an art podcast to expand your knowledge and share it with the world. In an art podcast, you can discuss different topics such as: 

  • History of art 
  • Greatest living artists 
  • Art as a career 
  • Do-it-yourself (DIY) ideas 
  • Crafts and hacks that can simplify your life 

22. Social Media Podcast

In this digital world, social media platforms have a great impact on our lives. You can launch a social media-themed podcast channel to make people learn about different social media platforms more deeply. 

The following are the best social media podcast topic ideas. 

  • The best social media to launch an online business 
  • Social media and depression 
  • Top social media influencers 
  • The impact of social media on our relationships 
  • Social media marketing tips 

23. Podcast Podcasts

The podcast is the best place to teach about podcasts. So, the podcast is the right place to target them. You can share your podcast journey with them to inspire them to start their own podcast channels. 

Here is what you can cover in your podcast-related podcasts. 

  • Ways of making money through podcasts
  • Top podcasters of 2021
  • Different podcast episode ideas like we have done with this post
  • Podcasting tips on how to get started and what equipment will you need
  • The right way of starting a podcast channel 
  • Podcast teaching which is helping others learn how to podcast

24. Home Décor and Improvement Podcast

People are always looking for ways of improving their homes and giving them a fresh look. Anyone with home décor and interior design knowledge can start a home improvement and décor podcast to help people build better and prettier homes. 

The following are some areas you can cover in your podcasts. 

  • Comparison of tradition and modern home décor 
  • Different kinds of home décor styles 
  • Essential elements of home décor 
  • The best home improvement ideas 
  • Wall arts and home décor

Summing it up 

Now that you have learned so many podcast topics, we hope it will be easier for you to pick the right topic for your next podcast or when you decide to start a podcast channel.

It is best to select a topic that you are interested in and you already have knowledge about it. This way, you will not feel bored and unmotivated during the content creation process. 

No matter what topic you select, make sure you create quality content because this is how you can keep your audience coming back to you!


Q: What are Some of the Best Podcast Directories?

Here are the top podcast directories:

  • Google podcasts
  • Apple podcast
  • Spotify
  • Stitcher
  • TuneIn
  • iHeartRadio

Q: Why do I Need to Use a Podcast Host?

The podcast hosting company is the go-between for your podcast recording and getting it to your listeners. You will upload your podcast episodes to a hosting provider like Buzzsprout and Podbean. Once loaded you can then share it on the podcast directories.

Q: What Would be the Most Popular Topics for Podcasting Right Now?

The three that are really popular include true crime, journalism that is investigative, and talk shows.

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