How to See Your Subscribers on YouTube? (Easy to Follow Guide)

Last Updated: 

February 26, 2025

If you’re a Youtube content creator, you may be wondering how to see your current YouTube subscribers. Wonder no more! In this post, we’ll walk you through the process step-by-step.

Knowing your subscribers is helpful when making your videos. Seeing how many subscribers on Youtube will tell you that you’re growing and doing well. Tracking subs will also give you an idea of your viewers and what they like.

There’s no such thing as too much information when it comes to knowing who your customers are. Knowing your subscribers and the subscriber count can be extremely helpful. Seeing how many subscribers can keep you motivated when growing your YouTube account.

Key Takeaways: How to See Your Subscribers on YouTube

  1. Access YouTube Studio – Log into YouTube, click your profile, and open YouTube Studio to manage your channel analytics.
  2. Find Your Subscribers – Navigate to the “Recent Subscribers” card to view publicly subscribed users.
  3. Understanding Subscriber Privacy – Only users with public subscriptions appear; private or spam accounts remain hidden.
  4. Using Subscriber Data – Analyze your audience for content planning and engagement strategies.
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Quick Steps to Follow on How to Check Subscribers

  1. Log into your Google account for YouTube
  2. Click on YouTube Studio
  3. Find the recent subscribers card
  4. Just click “SEE ALL” to expand the card and see your YouTube subscribers

Detailed Guide with Screen Shots on Checking Subscribers

The first thing you need to do is log into YouTube Studio by going to your YouTube account. See the screenshot below, so click your profile picture in the corner and the drop-down comes up. Then you want to click YouTube Studio.

screenshot YouTube subscribers

YouTube Studio is a program that allows you to track your channel, subscribers, and views in one convenient location. You can use your mobile app or desktop to get to your YouTube channel.

This is the area where you can use the subscriber data to help your YouTube channel. You need to get familiar with its other functions so that you can provide the best quality experience possible for your users. The good news is, it only takes a few minutes to see what other options there are inside the YouTube Studio.

The next thing you want to do is find the Recent subscribers card. See the arrow in the screenshot below.

How to find recent subscribers YouTube

Take a look around, and you’ll see the Recent subscribers card. If you don’t see it right away, don’t worry. Scroll down from the top of your screen, and eventually, you should notice it. Sometimes it can be difficult to notice things such as this if you have a large computer screen.

Click SEE ALL to expand the card. See below for an example of what it should look like. This will pull up all your subscribers on YouTube.

Subscribers list

Now all you have to do is click the See all to expand the card. You should notice that you’re now able to see all your subscribers on YouTube.

This is your subscriber list, and you’re able to see your subscribers on Youtube simultaneously. This will be extremely helpful when you want to get a better idea of who your viewers are and what they like. It will also help you in the future when making YouTube videos or making edits that benefit them specifically.

Who are the YouTube subscribers that you can see?

You can see your YouTube subscribers who have chosen to make their subscriptions public.

YouTube viewers can choose if they want you to see if they subscribe to your YouTube channel. If they allow you to see, that’s why you see them. It’s a choice that every person makes, and it’s not something you should think is done because they trust or don’t trust you. Some people don’t want anyone to know what they’re up to online, and that’s a right everyone has.

You can also see those who have subscribed to your channel within the past 28 days

If you have recent subscribers who have joined within the last 28 days, you’ll see them in the list. If they didn’t subscribe within the last 28 days, you won’t see them, but you can still see how they got to your channel.

These are the new subscribers who are not shown.

Private Subscriptions

As we mentioned above, some people don’t want anyone to know what they’re up to online, and that’s a right everyone has. This means you won’t see their username, but you will still know that someone has subscribed.

If you do a subscribers count and it’s less than your overall count, now you know why. You’re not seeing some people because they’ve chosen to keep their subscriptions private.

Don’t worry because as your channel grows, you’ll notice more people who prefer to keep their subscriptions private.

Suspended Accounts or Accounts Identified as Spam

You will not see suspended accounts or accounts identified as spam. Suspended accounts are usually people who’ve done something wrong on YouTube and have been banned from the site. This is a severe action, and you should not worry about these accounts.

Unfortunately, YouTube is loaded with spammers, and they, too, have actions taken against their account. This is why you don’t see spammy accounts either.

What Can You do With your Subscriber Information?

Now that you know how to see your subscribers on Youtube, you can do a few things with this information.

Knowing your subscribers is essential to making a video, and seeing your own subscribers on Youtube will tell you that you’re growing and doing well. Being able to track these will also give you an idea of your viewers and what they like.

It will also help you in the future when making videos for them or making edits that benefit them specifically.

Knowing your subscribers can be extremely helpful, and seeing all of them at once can keep you on track to growing your channel.

Knowing how many YouTube subscribers your YouTube channel has is helpful? There are a few ways that you can use the information you have.

Know Your Demographic

Knowing who your subscribers are can be very helpful, especially when you’re trying to figure out what type of videos they like.

When you’re trying to figure out what kind of videos your viewers want, you can use this information. The complete list of subscribers will usually like the same type of content. If you have a new video that adds a ton of new subscribers then you should create similar video content.

You can also make this more personal by knowing their interests and doing something for them that you know they like. You can personalize the experience for your viewers, and that’s something that can make all the difference.

There are also tools you can subscribe to that help you with the data from your YouTube channel. It will help with getting more subscribers, keyword research, video SEO optimization, and other useful data.

Helpful YouTube Data Software

The best software to analyze your YouTube traffic are the two below:

  • YouTube Buddy
  • VidIQ.

I currently use VidIQ and would recommend it if you are serious about growing your YouTube community.


Q: How do I see my YouTube subscribers on mobile?

The same process as listed above you just follow the same steps but do it on your mobile phone. You can also use the mobile app to log in and see your subscribers.

Q: How do you see how many private subscribers you have on YouTube?

Sign in to your Google account and follow the exact steps laid out in this article. Look up your total number of subscribers by clicking the link on the page that shows the number of subscribers you have. To find out how many have privacy turned on just subtract the total subscribers from the subscriber count listed. This will give you the total using privacy.

If you already have a YouTube channel but want to take it to the next level you should check out our article on Starting a YouTube Channel. If you are a beginner YouTuber then our how-to start a YouTube channel article will definitely help you out.

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